A sunny, sold out festival edition of INDIGO brought the Dutch games industry and their foreign peers together in-person for the first time in a while. The game business and showcase event featured a two track conference, business matchmaking and an online games showcase. The game that was unanimously selected by a professional jury as the winner of the INDIGO 2022 Award was News Tower by Studio Nul Games.
The only part of the event that was hosted fully online was the Discover Showcase, in which 23 selected games were played by streamers. The live stream attracted over 850 viewers from all over the world. A professional jury was selected to play and judge the games individually to appoint the winner for the INDIGO 2022 Award, worth $5,000 thanks to award partner Xsolla. News Tower by Studio Nul Games was unanimously chosen as the winner. According to the judges “News Tower impressed with its setting, humor and presentation. The game is layered more deeply than expected at first glance with evolving interesting stories. It was really a joy to play.” Winner Jan-Maarten Nachtegeller is proud: “I did not expect to win at all, since the competition was very strong. This prize makes it possible to develop the game to a next level. Together with the appreciation of the judges, this is a real boost for us as a studio!”